Donate money or time

Donate Money

Use your money for something meaningful! By donating on you can make new ways of civic involvement possible. On you can find a wide selection of sociopolitical projects. There truly is something for everyone!

How can I donate?

The easiest way to donate is online. Therefore you have to log in your (register, login). Click on support projects to see the current crowdfunding-projects. With one click on „donate“ you will be redirected to our payment methods. You can spend online from 10 Euros.

Tip: Use the project-basket to  donate for several projects at the same time!

Other options for donation: text message donation, bank transfer donation

Donate Time

If you prefer to participate in a project personally, you may also support the projects with volunteer work.

If the button „donate time“ appears at a project, the project seeking for participation. At the details of the project you can exactly see which kind of help is needed. As a time donor you can choose the project, the area, and the time you want to support. The project initiator will be informed about your time donation and contact you.

Do you want to collaborate in a project which is not looking for time donations? Please contact the project using the mail function (envelope symbol in the user profile) and ask if they eventually need some help.  

Further information on donating time.